Saturday, 3 October 2020

4. Least and most realized points in EESTI INFOÜHISKONNA ARENGUKAVA 2020

 Least realized vision point.

 In Eesti infoühiskonna arengukava 2020 it is said "Eestis on jätkuvalt vaba ja avatud (info)ühiskond. Vaatamata kasvanud turva-ja julgeolekuohtudele pole võrreldes teiste riikidega lisandunud suuri väljendus-ja netivabaduse piiranguid, sest suudame tehnoloogiat enda kaitseks rakendada ka ilma nendeta. Samas on tagatud inimestele kontroll oma elu ja andmete privaatsuse üle."
 While I do agree that we truly have an open and free info society and that we don't need to be concerned about government restricting our freedom of expression on the Internet, the least realized point in my opinion is the guaranteed control over private data. At this day and age there's no way you can have 100% guarantee that your data is not being used without you knowing that. It is almost impossible to fully protect private data that has gone through the Internet. That data is actually very valuable and can be used for many purposes. In my opinion, there can be done more to protect people's private data.

Most realized vision point.

 "Inimestel aitab tööd hoidaja tööta jäämise korral uutel aladel uusi väljakutseid vastu võtta IKT-oskuste pidev täiendamine. Seda enam, et kadumas on IKT-oskusi mittenõudvad töökohad. IKT laialdane kasutuselevõtt on kiirendanud struktuurseid muutusi tööturul."
 This is very true. Nowadays finding a job is a lot easier if you have ICT(Information and Communications Technology) skills and developing those skills in Estonia is pretty convenient. ICT specialists are in high demand in many sectors and that is further emphasized by decreasing number of other jobs. For example, self-serving in supermarkets and online ordering is getting more popular in Estonia(especially and with the current situation with the virus) so maintaining those services is necessary while their alternative - cashiers are becoming less needed.


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